Lab Respi week I
Head & Neck Anatomy -- klik di sini
RESPI: Introduction to Pulmonolgy
Notulensi rapat penguin 181110
Presensi : tanri, dinda, dina, rahmi, mutiara, flori
Tanggal 22/11 kumpul seluruh pengurus inti angkatan di A2 jam 16
1. Database 08
1. Minta bantuan ke pj grup kominfo u/ masalah uang kas.
1.hubungi dr. Elsa ttg ujian PHOP kemarin
2.File presensi per minggu dipampang di r. Tutor (durasi info absensi min u/ selama 1 minggu)
1. Cari pj blog
2. PJ2 divisi lain diingatkan terus ttg jobdesc
3. Back up jalur info, kl ga ada rr, otto siap2 ngegantiin n vice versa
1. Progress dies natalis
Ini tugas2 ya,g blm terlaksana sekaligus deadline.
- video perkenalan (nama, tgl lahir, foto kecil). Start: 25/10. Pj: otay
- eightcellent of the month, follow up 1/11
- lencana 2008. dana di take care ekonomi. Diberikan saat nonton angkatan. Infokan ke KPBI dan TWP ttg dana pembuatan lencana (if needed).
- foto(@jonas), nonton (@a.3.3) bareng angkatan. Setelah UTS. Pj: anggun ps
- oprec tim OSCE. 25/11 tim osce sudah terbentuk.
- wakil menteri akademik: mengingatkan deadline
- pemberian reward untuk tim yang target tugas akademiknya diserahkan tepat waktu
- pelatihan basa sunda, balai pengobatan (proyek dr. Dian Djauhari). #membantu pengonsepan, #perjelas posisi 08 sbg peserta/panitia, #follow up o/ tanri, rahmi/tiara, dinda
- laporan keuangan per 3 bulan (dengan mekanisme: uang yang dikumpulkan selama 3 bulan, digunakan selama 3 bulan berikutnya). Kerja sama dengan bendahara
- kerja sama dg solid angkatan dan akademik: penyerahan proyek u/ ditenderkan
- follow up aktivitas blog 08 : o/ RR, tanri, pewe, denny, darmet
Agenda minggu depan 25/11:
1. Oleh2 dari tanri
2. Laporan masing2 divisi
"2008 SATU. Solid. Aktif. Teladan. Unggul."
Semoga ga ada yg kurang. Semangat penguin!!
#a Learner
tugas Lab act respi week 1
1.Explain development of nasal cavities
2.What are paranasal sinuses? How do they formed?
3.Explain development of nasopharynx and oropharynx
4.What is palatine tonsil? How does it formed?
5.Explain development of the middle ear*ada tugas namain gambar juga,bisa diliat langsung dimodul lab act
Learning Objective :Pelajari anatomi, vaskularisasi, inervasi, lymphatic vessel dari :
Jadi bisa jawab pertanyaan di bawah ini :
1. what causes hoarseness in LTB
2. Explain anatomically the location for tracheostomy
3. which part of bronchi that can be affected in LTB
4. what is epistaxis&what vessel are usually torned
5. mention all possibilities target that nasal cavities infection may spread
6. explain anatomically how an infection could spread from nose to meninges
PHOP V - Human Resource Management
BHP ROLE PLAY: ETHICS OF REFFERING PATIENTS (naskah drama&pertanyaannya)
Mrs. A (40 yo) was diagnosed by dr.B, a general practitioner, as having appendicitis which require surgery. Dr. b then reffered her to dr. C, asurgeon in a hospital. The husband,Mr. A asked dr. B if she can be reffered to dr. D instead. Dr. D was known as a good surgeon that also work in the same hospital. Dr. B said that he knows both of the surgeons but prefers dr. C because they can collaborate better after surgery. Moreover, dr.C said if Mrs. A insisted to be reffered to dr. D, he won’t take any responsibility if there is anything wrong with the surgery. Afterward Mrs. A agrees to be operated by dr. C. After dr. C left the room, she overheard a nurse said to her collague that dr. B is ‘in group’ with dr. C. He always send his patient to dr. C and receive money from him, known as ‘fee splitting’. Mr. A, the husband, said to her that he felt a suspiscion and felt mistrust to dr. C. who knows that the diagnosis was made up in order to be able to send a patient to the surgeon, so he can receive extra fee. The two then decided to change to another hospital.
Grup discussion
An overview of reffering a patient. Give case example of accepted practice in reffering a patient for each of the following situations:
-A general practitioner refer a patient to a specialist
-A general practitioner refers a patient to a another general practitioner
-A specialist refers a patient to a specialist from different field of expertise
-A specialist refers a patient to a specialist from the same field of expertise
-A specialist refers a patient to a general practitioner
-A general practitioner / specialist refers to an expert in non-medical field
Who should decide to which doctor the patient should be referred to?
An overview of ‘fee splitting’ in medical practice. Is it ethical aor unethical to give your collague doctor a fee after they refer you a patient? Give arguments!
Slide Presentasi BHP V (*.rar)
CVS - Kuliah Sudden Death
Latihan Soal Bersumberkan Internet dari Mbak Yang Ga Mau Disebut Namanya
"Latihan Soal Eightcellent" klik di sini
PHOP V - Pengawasan
Arsip Blog
- Respi - Nuclear Medicine in Pulmonary Disease
- Lab Respi week I
- RESPI: Introduction to Pulmonolgy
- Notulensi rapat penguin 181110
- tugas Lab act respi week 1
- PHOP V - Human Resource Management
- Slide Presentasi BHP V (*.rar)
- CVS - Kuliah Sudden Death
- Latihan Soal Bersumberkan Internet dari Mbak Yang ...
- PHOP V - Pengawasan
Blog Akademik JaDul
Buku Tamu
- arri raditia (ketua smfkup 2010)
- cyntia evinur ananda (080100)
- deddy oskar (080139)
- dina lestari (080137)
- floriyani indra putri (080097)
- fulki fadhila (080064)
- herdinda erudite rizkinya (080011)
- m reza fahlevi (080157)
- r m tanri arrizasyifaa (080187)
- radityo akhmedika fauzie (080043)
- rahmi ayu umami (080106)
- tazkia fatimah (080036)
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